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Oil Tempered vs. Ink Galvanized Torsion Springs: The Differences Explained

in Garage DIY Repair by Tom B

Oiled tempered springs are the most common garage door springs available. They’ve been around for ages — practically since the car replaced the horse. They work pretty well, but they come with a catch — they rust. But they make up for this inconvenience with easy upkeep. They never have to be tightened — just inspected and replaced when necessary.

Some people might suggest tightening your torsion springs, but this approach is misguided at best. The benefits are only temporary — and there’s a limit to how much the spring can be adjusted. In the end, you’re only reducing its life-cycle prematurely.

So while oiled tempered springs don’t look as pretty because of their rust issues, they rarely need adjustment — in fact it’s usually not a good idea.

Galvanized torsion springs look nice. They’d win any beauty contest hands down — many of our customers are attracted to them for this very reason. But what they gain in attraction they lose in longevity. They also tend to be noisier. As the spring rotates, it makes a strange sound that gets on most folks’ nerves.

A Word About Cycle Life

A cycle life measures when the door goes up and down. It essentially measures the “mileage” of the spring. We always recommend at least 20,000 lifecycles. Keep in mind that the more lifecycles your springs have, the more expensive they will be. The coils on the spring will be thicker too.

A Word About Rollers

Keep in mind that any friction in your rollers can dampen your cycle life. Bad rollers make your springs work harder because the springs have to struggle to operate. If fact, if your rollers are going bad, it might void your warranty.

Maintenance & Inspection of Springs

Every few months, be sure to spray your springs with an approved garage door spray. This will lubricate your springs and help you get the most life out of them. You should also spray down your hinges, rollers, bearing plates too.

It’s also a good idea to inspect your garage door springs for signs of rust or wear, such as if the springs are loose or slacking. If you see anything of concern, call a garage door professional for a more thorough inspection.

Never try to replace your garage door springs. This is not a DIY repair. These springs are under an incredible amount of tension and can cause serious bodily injury if they snap. Always call a professional technician to repair your garage door springs.

The Economic Benefits of a Well Insulated Overhead Door

Is your overhead garage door insulated? Even in a hot climate like Elk Grove, insulation can help lower your energy costs. An insulated door keeps the hot air out as well as the cold, so you’ll spend less on air conditioning in the hot California summers. This is especially true if your door is attached to the house. Your entire home will be that much easier to cool. The quality of insulation is measured in R-Value, the higher the value, the more insulated the door is. Choose an insulated door that has an R-value of at least 15. This way, you’re garage will be nice and cool all summer. And so will your home, not to mention your electric bill.